I have been scooting along ever so slowly for the past 2 months (actually you can just tack on the 5 previous months and make for a grand total of 7 months of
I made a conscious decision to manipulate my winter break into an opportunity for change. I plan on harnessing the momentum of the shift in routine that spending 9 days in Northern Ireland provides and making another go of it starting now(ish). This may make very little sense if you're not inside my head right now. Sorry. I have been called "the queen of vagueness" and have also been told I'm just plain bad at being articulate. Let's try again.
I need to go in a different direction in terms of content. I am a sarcastic and witty and judgmental person who has a penchant for sharing maybe a little bit too much. I'm good at writing, and it does not make sense for me to be writing about what I had for lunch, or the nostalgia of Valentine's Day, when those are not things that come naturally to me.
I've been keeping a secret blog (I am Dear Old Love! Every post is me! - No, that's not true. But God, wouldn't that be a funny joke?) for the past few weeks and having so much fun with it. I've decided to clear out all of the incriminating stuff and go public with it. I like tumblr better as a platform, and um, yeah. That's kind of that. So, yes, every so often I will use swear words. And there will be weird, vague posts about failed relationships and things that you maybe want to know about and maybe really don't. And I'll get occasional lectures from my mother about how the internet is a public place and some day soon grad schools will be Googling me. And then I will ask her not to tell me to censor myself.
You can find it all here.
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